

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I never thought I'd ever seriously entertain the idea of having children, but here I am...

I'm quite comfortable and happy with the current status quo (Double Income, No Kids), and the freedom of being just Nathalie and me. But something's just been slowly and quietly chipping away at me. What was so very easy to ignore is now becoming a pervasive thought and it has Shawshanked its way to the forefront of my mind.

Nevermind that this slow progression hasn't been augmented by the constant barrage of questions wondering when I'm going to reproduce from both sets of parents, other married people, complete strangers, and the recent notion that having an infant is somehow "hip."

And for some reason it appears that everybody we know is having babies (you included Canadian Jackie) and these babies just seem to be everywhere.

Or it could be that we're just more aware of babies now. Kind of how training will help you identify poison oak on the forest trail. The poison oak has always been there. But until you started looking for them, you would have never noticed them. Now that babies have come to mind, Nathalie and I just happen to see them everywhere.

No, we're not having a baby anytime soon. But Nathalie and I are at the point where we're standing there up on the diving board, looking over the deep end, and contemplating that jump into the depths...