

Monday, June 14, 2004


I've been looking to upgrade my cell phone. Not because I've grown tired of the outdated phone, but mainly because I need a phone that has a working display and improved battery life. My problem lies in that although my current wealth dictates that my new phone purchase be utilitarian in nature, and thus free, my Inner Geek wants a phone with some bells and whistles and other neat-o things incorporated to it. But that's a dilemma that hardly warrants a discussion.

What I will write about concerns the tendency nowadays for cell phone providers to promote the strange offer of selling you one phone and giving you another for free. I don't understand why this is going to attract me to their product. What am I supposed to do with two phones? This concept works well in grocery stores, as evident by the number of cans of tuna in my pantry and the cases of diet coke laying around everywhere, but the application of this to cell phones lacks a clear understanding. With an extra phone, there's a good chance that either I will misplace one, or that somebody will pick up the misplaced phone and use it willy-nilly. I surely do not want anybody else using my phone and racking up the minutes... Oh wait, maybe that's the reason.